The project

My goal is to get to the heart of the culture of each Country I'm visiting, working as a volunteer and trying to learn as much as possible in projects I'm involved in and going.
At the same time trying to prove to myself and the web that money isn't the key ingredient of any life plan.
And also that we can count on people and trust and that the world is wonderful and the human can be extraordinary.

My trip is also based on the fact of spending as little money as possible, without losing anything.
I always have a roof, a bed and 3 meals a day wherever it goes, in Exchange for a few hours of work, or a helping hand in household chores.
Are extremely sure of goodness of the project because I met and I am experiencing extraordinary people with humility and simplicity she managed to travel with a minimal budget and get very far, even to turn around the world.

Also I would also learn how to build the House with my own hands and with the materials available for free in nature, to keep me from eating building gardens in Permaculture, and be able to live without the need for a large sum of money, but without having to deprive by nothingness.

The location and times are flexible, the idea is to take the 5 continents, traveling slowly, to enjoy the culture of each place that I am visiting in every aspect.

I am currently staying in Spain, the short-term plan (2016) is to stop as much as possible to learn the Spanish language, walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela (April/May) and leaving for Africa at the gates of the next winter (towards Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal).