Category: Spagna


Vers le sud

(30 jan 2016) After 2 wonderful weeks past has help the Bullock family and begin their important project a Móra d'Ebre, a tiny village of 4000 inhabitants in South...


Pour les amis francophones

Per gli amici francofoni. Salut les amis! J’ai commence mon travail de tradution de mes articles en francais 🙂 Cette article c’est pour m’excuser d’abord pour mon francais que c’est pas parfait. Je suis...


Welcome to Pachamama

Et voila! Here I am finally on the beautiful island of La Palma (of course I realized immediately because that's his name). Also called "island of spring", because the climate here is more or less always ...


To the South

(Vers le sud) After spending two fantastic weeks to help the family Bullock to start the construction of their important project in Mora d'Ebre, a small town of 4000 inhabitants in the South of Catalonia.