Vers le sud

(30 jan 2016)

After 2 wonderful weeks past has help the Bullock family and begin their important project a Móra d'Ebre, a tiny village of 4000 inhabitants in the southern part of the Catalonia (soon I will publish videos of the interviews and the details of the project), I me ready to join an ecovillage on the island of La Palma, exactly a Tijarafe, on the West coast of this small island which is located on the archipelago of Islands Canarias.

Enfin ce petit reve que j’avais dans la tete depuis longtemps!
Passing the winter warm, after having lived in the places grey and rainy in Europe (Lille, Northern France, Szczecin, North-West Poland, Dublin, Ireland), or summers look like a shy Italian spring.
In fact a La Palma there are between 20º - 25º maximum day and 10º min environt the average night.

Le projet s’appelle PROYECTO PACHAMAMAI had to wait a month to have a positive response to my email, but I got it! They accept me for the month of February, I'm too happy!

J’ai pas utilise les moyens que j’utilise normalement (wwoofing, workawayEtc ..). This time I was just looking permaculture projects on Google, I found them site internet and I sent an email directly, explaining my project.

So I took while following a flight from Barcelona (ca coutait not too expensive) and therefore I am about to leave Monday morning 🙂

Le projet sur leur site internet et dans la video ressemble a la construction d’un paradis sur terre!

The community is responsible for green construction, to give an alternative education for children, there is a garden crees according to permaculture principles, there is a solar kitchen built with materials for recycling.
In made full, full of knowledge and activities to learn to experiment!

I will stay one month there, and I'll try to assimilate as much as possible of knowledge, like a sponge.
Besides it'll allow me to improve my espanol, since I started practicing a little bit since I was in Spain (well, the truth is that in Mora D'Ebre between people who speak that Catalan, and the family that I host who speaks only English, I have not really had much opportunity to practice the language).

I am very excited and enthusiaste for this new adventure, and I hate to discover this new reality.
I will try as much as possible to share via this blog.

I said at the beginning, I had not planned this blog, I had no idea of ​​how it's working (and I did not quite clear), I try to learn little by little, between my work volunteer, knowledge do I want to learn and the time that I need to study the language espanole.

So if you have any advise or give notice, please do not hesitate 🙂

Je remercie tous ceux qui me liront (j’espere que vous serez nombreux)